Organic farmers since 1978

Fatti di bio

She runs, swims and writes. Although a copywriter, Paola has also written books. Her latest is “102 chili sull’anima: la storia di una donna e della sua muta per uscire dall’obesità” (102 kilograms on the soul: the story of a woman and her shift to escape obesity), Giraldi Editore, 2015. She lost 40 kilograms in one year and learned that change is always possible, as long as it stems from self-love and a new lifestyle. She runs and swims both for survival and to unleash her creativity. She then writes about what she learns by running. She holds courses in autobiographical writing, digital communication, and personal change as an activator for professional development. She has been a blogger since 2005, with but to learn more about what she does, visit
Francesca Sanzo